We have joined forces with Tim Hurd and Len Pettis on the Bible Thumping Wingnut Network! We're moving The Scripturalist blog and Semper Reformanda Radio to their website:
Look for The Scripturalist blog posts here:
Listen to SRR Episode 1 | The Recklessness of LGBTQ Life | Semper Reformanda Radio by Bible Thumping Wingnut #np on #SoundCloud
Semper Reformanda Radio on iTunes:
Check out our interview on the Bible Thumping Wingnut Show!
Listen to BTWN Episode 182 | Haters | Introducing Semper Reformanda Radio | Apologetics to Eastern Orthodox by Bible Thumping Wingnut #np on #SoundCloud
A very big thanks to brothers Tim and Len for the opportunity!
Semper Reformanda,
Carlos and Tim