Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Semper Reformanda Radio // Episode 2 //
The LGBT Agenda in the Public Sphere

In this episode, Tim Shaughnessy and Carlos Montijo discuss how the LGBT agenda is making inroads in the public sphere, and expose its faulty foundations, philosophy and arguments from a legal, constitutional, and Biblical perspective.

To download the podcast, click on the player's icon on the right and select the desired format.


    Monday, May 16, 2016

    Semper Reformanda Radio // Episode 1 //
    The Recklessness of LGBTQ Life

    Welcome to Semper Reformanda Radio, where the Bible alone and the Bible in its entirety is applied to all of life! In this episode, your co-hosts Tim Shaughnessy and Carlos Montijo address popular arguments against and misconceptions about the Biblical view of marriage and LGBTQs. We use an opinion piece published on a local newspaper and the article it criticizes, which was written by a local pastor, as object lessons.

    To download the podcast, click on the player's upper-right icon and select the desired format.
