Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Semper Reformanda Radio // Episode 2 //
The LGBT Agenda in the Public Sphere

In this episode, Tim Shaughnessy and Carlos Montijo discuss how the LGBT agenda is making inroads in the public sphere, and expose its faulty foundations, philosophy and arguments from a legal, constitutional, and Biblical perspective.

To download the podcast, click on the player's icon on the right and select the desired format.


    1 comment:

    1. Excellent points, gentlemen. I don't know a time in American history when two consenting adults of the opposite sex — straight or gay — were not allowed to marry, except for family feuds and consanguinity. Additionally until recently two consenting adults of the same sex — straight or gay — have never been allowed to marry.

      Marriage to a consenting a partner of legal age and relation of the opposite sex has always been legally available to homosexuals and heterosexuals alike, for millennia. Marriage to a consenting partner of legal age of the same sex has always been denied to homosexuals and heterosexuals alike, for the same period.

      It is a fabricated "crisis," a manufactured "civil rights" issue in which nobody's "rights" were being violated.
